Sunday, April 15, 2012

Don't be stuck

Ya know, this weekend has had me do a lot of thinking. ( no comment ) we tend to go along in our daily lives and take every little detail for granted. Waking up and getting to take a breath in the morning. Hearing every little noise as loud as can be or as quiet as a whisper. Walking from one place to another. The movement of every muscle in our bodies, and then BAM you are in a situation and thanking God is all you can do. You get my gist. Anyway, we aren’t promised the next day, hour, minute or even second. So every day should be lived for the One who actually allows all of this for us. I mean it is the least we can do right? He died for me…I can at least show gratitude for the smallest and biggest of things.

We have been talking at church about being UNSTUCK. Unstuck in relationships, finances, work, friendships, etc. We sang Our God today. If you don’t know it…you need to. I love the lyrics. My favorite lyric is “ And if our God is for us than who could ever stop us and if our God is with us than what could stand against”. After this weekend and everything that has happened or things to happen in the future…I know that with MY GOD..nothing can stand against me. Nothing will bring me down. I have complete trust and faith in Him that whatever will be will be and He is all I need and all I seek. I do and I will thank Him in ALL things.

So say hello to the new me.
The preacher man said may be STUCK with someone, but you don't have to STICK with them. :) Couldn't have said it better myself!! :)
