Thursday, June 11, 2009

Face vs. Floor I have to tell this funny story about my husband! Picture it...Memorial Day Weekend. We had ALOT of people at my house for a get together. Lots of fun, friends, games and just hangin out like we do most weekends. We started things off around 1ish. People started to taper off around 10:00. By 10:45 it's just me and the fam. My son had exhausted himself so much that he had passed out spread eagle on the couch. My oldest daughter was pecking away on the computer. I decided to sit in the comfy chair and kick up my feet and watch a little tv. While at the same time my husband decides he is calling it quits as well. He on the other hand thinks it to be more comfortable to sit on our bar stool. Well...he should have re-thought that decision. I noticed myself dozing off and on. So I look at him to see if he is still my surprise...or not, he had the same thing in mind too. His dozing got the best of him tho! I had dozed off so soundly when I was awaken to the sound that I can only describe as "splat" The next thing my eyes see is my husband on all fours. My daughter yells at him "what is wrong with you", I just see him on his hands and knees. The floor had had it's way with him. He had fallen asleep so soundly that he fell to the floor and hit the floor with his face! There was a little bit of blood and alot of confusion. He didn't think it was quite as funny as I did. I mean lets face it...who falls face first to the floor out of the chair??? I even woke up laughing at him. In the books it says "pride cometh before the fall" but in his case it is the other way around. The fall came before his pride. He wore a cap to work for a week to hide his battle wound! Oh the fun I had with him!!!

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