Thursday, July 16, 2009

"How many fire trucks does it take to make a tragedy?"

I can't help but feel overwhelmed the last couple days. We have had a little boy in our daycare whose house burned down and they have lost everything. It is our job to take care of these kids day by day as they are one of our own, so you can't help but to get attached to them.

When I heard about this tragedy for their family, my immediate thought was, " I want to do something for them." We as a center got a gift basket for him with a couple sets of clothes, pj's, bubble bath and a few toys for him to play with as they had only managed to get out one of his blankets.

When he was told of his house, he reacted like any other 4 year old boy would. "How many fire trucks came to my house?" Oh my gosh, how innocent is that? He didn't worry about "things." He knew that things could be replaced but people couldn't. As adults we worry about what needs replaced. We have had people step up and give whatever they could. You would not believe the appreciation his parents have felt. They are like our family too.

I have been humbled by this and realize how much we probably take for granted. So, my prayer for them is to come together as a family and know that God is and will always be there even at their darkest time. They will overcome this...God will see to it. You can't overcome til you have gone thru something. I pray that I have some of his innocence and not take what I have for granted. Thank you God for blessing my family.

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