Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sibling Rivalry or Brotherly Love?!?!

Ok. I've told some people this story already but I want to share it with the others. My daughter is almost 10 and she has got a teenage attitude already! My son is 6 and just looks up to his big sisters so much. I don't know who has a sibling but if you do than you will relate to my story. Growin up my oldest sister and I hated each other...not really but back then we sure thought we did and all I can remember is my dad tellin us both that he was gonna buy us boxing gloves, put us both out in the back yard and let us go at each other til one went down. Apparantly they got tired of hearing us argue ALL THE TIME!!!

Well, now that I have children of my own, I am living what my parents did. My daughter acts like she hates my son ALL THE TIME. From the minute her eyes pop open in the morning til the time they shut at night she throws him down to the curb. She yells at him constantly, and acts like he is annoying. And all he does is keep coming back and loves her even more...like a dog who is loyal to its owner!

Well, Saturday night my son lost one of his bouncy balls down our sewer drain outside our house and he thought the world came to an end. So we went to Walmart the next day and got some stuff to eat for lunch and he took his own money to buy him another ball. While he was in the toy section he told Jason he wanted 2 balls. His words were this "Daddy, I want to buy Macey a ball too, I love her and I want her to love me and just want to make her happy" I mean does that not tear your heart apart. He just loves her so much no matter how she treats him. I cried thinking to myself that I did something right, to where he thinks of others and not only himself. I mean I know that alot of it is just being siblings but my gosh somebody tell me that it will get better!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

"Play Ball"

K... so here it is the first of summer and ball is almost over. I liked it better when it was cooler outside and we played. I'm not one who likes being hot. Then I think of my daughter who plays EVERY weekend. She plays catcher and let me just say she is pretty darn good at it! That girl ain't gonna let nobody steal on her. But back to this heat thing....here I am complaining it's hot outside and she's got all this equipment on her and a catchers helmet...and I'm hot???

This weekend we play State and I am excited about it. I want our girls to come out on top...I tend to be a little competitive when it comes to ball! Yes, I am the mom who argues with the ump cuz he's blind and cannot clearly see that my daughter made the tag! Ok...back up...I USED to be that mom! Over time I have learned to keep my mouth shut but let me tell ya, I may slip every once in a while and tell them what I think. I mean, once...I had a parent on the opposite team tell me to shut the ?@#* up and sit down. OH NO THEY DIDN'T!!!

I have come a long way since that episode! Until we were in a tournament a couple weekends ago and I had to clearly voice my opinion! I let the coaches know what I thought too!!! Needless to say, she is still on the team!!!! So...LOOK OUT TEAMS HERE WE COME!!! Can't wait til we go to World Series in July!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009


I've blogged about my dad before and I promise I won't dwell but I found a post on my old computer that I thought I would share.

There are things in my life that are now gone but not forgotten. So many things have happened in my life that I cannot share with those I'd like to. My dad is the first in my life to say goodbye. He left me at such a young and desperate time in my life. But it was in Gods hands and he needed him more than I did. I often question the reason as to why he had to leave and sometimes I think I have it figured out when it's at that moment that something happens or said for me to turn around and re-ask that familiar question again. WHY?

Do you suppose that God ever gets tired of hearing that same question over and over and over again? I mean, I am a mother and often get aggravated at listening to my children ask me why when I give them the answer to a question. They will ask " can so and so come over", I say no and their reaction is always the same....WHY???? "Because I said so that's why!!"

It is then when we feel they should just understand and let it go. So do you think that when we ask God over and over again that same old question, WHY and he tells us that it is because he says so that we should just say "OK" and understand it and leave it at that?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Face vs. Floor

K...so I have to tell this funny story about my husband! Picture it...Memorial Day Weekend. We had ALOT of people at my house for a get together. Lots of fun, friends, games and just hangin out like we do most weekends. We started things off around 1ish. People started to taper off around 10:00. By 10:45 it's just me and the fam. My son had exhausted himself so much that he had passed out spread eagle on the couch. My oldest daughter was pecking away on the computer. I decided to sit in the comfy chair and kick up my feet and watch a little tv. While at the same time my husband decides he is calling it quits as well. He on the other hand thinks it to be more comfortable to sit on our bar stool. Well...he should have re-thought that decision. I noticed myself dozing off and on. So I look at him to see if he is still awake...to my surprise...or not, he had the same thing in mind too. His dozing got the best of him tho! I had dozed off so soundly when I was awaken to the sound that I can only describe as "splat" The next thing my eyes see is my husband on all fours. My daughter yells at him "what is wrong with you", I just see him on his hands and knees. The floor had had it's way with him. He had fallen asleep so soundly that he fell to the floor and hit the floor with his face! There was a little bit of blood and alot of confusion. He didn't think it was quite as funny as I did. I mean lets face it...who falls face first to the floor out of the chair??? I even woke up laughing at him. In the books it says "pride cometh before the fall" but in his case it is the other way around. The fall came before his pride. He wore a cap to work for a week to hide his battle wound! Oh the fun I had with him!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

"What a Day"

So, I'm feeling a little deep today. I attended yet another funeral today, this time not my immediate family but for someone who is close to my heart. My brother in law lost his dad. I can totally relate to what he feels as I lost my dad when I as 16. People talked about how Godly he was and how he never missed an opportunity to talk to someone about God. Two years ago he lost his mom. I was asked by her sons if I would sing for her funeral. I did. I have sang at weddings, church functions, school functions but never at a funeral. All I could think about was the emotion that came with losing a loved one, let alone a parent. I prayed over and over for God to allow me to get through the song without breaking down. I managed to pull it off and at the same time felt peace doing it. When we got the news about his dad, I felt their pain once again. This time he has to bury his dad. I mean you dont think as a kid that you will bury your parents but to have to bury both is unimaginable to me. So, once again I sang for the funeral. The boys requested that I sing the song I sang for their moms. "What a Day That Will Be".... I don't know if you know the lyrics to the song...but I was in my car on the way home from and exhausting day and was singing the lyrics outloud to myself. Just me in the car by myself. And it was then that it hit me. "What a day that WILL be." I mean think for a minute. All our loved ones who have passed before us are enjoying life to their very fullest and we are here on earth thinking we are. Not at all...we may be living a good life or even a great life, but think about what they get. I can't imagine the feeling of being reunited with my dad, my papa, my granny. I mean I can only imagine the stories being told between Paul's parents and my family about us girls!! I often envy people who still have both parents. My dad has missed out on so much. WAIT...let me rephrase that one....we have missed out on so much. He's got everything. We are the ones who are missing out...not him. My kids never knew him. My husband never met him. I think of all that has happened in our lives and think of how he would be so proud. But to think that he can see all the glory of God right now is the most I would ever want for him. I miss them all so much and it hurts still to this day. But when we are reunited....."WHAT A DAY THAT WILL BE"
